Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well, I had to light the wood stove this morning, so I know I'm not in Cambodia any longer...A lot to unpack from the suitcase and from my mind. I hope to correct spellings and add photos to my blog so that I have a more complete record. Right now the US just looks like "too much," the way it always does after a trip to another place. The grocery stores are obscene, the TV nuts, the people too flabby, the news is lies...I know I will recoup some balance for my dear and wacky country. I do love Amerika, but...I take home the knowledge that we are too unaware of the lasting damage we do to others protecting our self-interest.The unexploded ordnance in Cambodia is horrifying. We are relieved that we are close to being "out" of Iraq, but we won't be-war lasts a long time. I am also very aware, after a month and half of watching Asia TV, Asia, especially China, is on the rise. The tide is shifting. Obviously, I am not an expert on either Cambodia or Vietnam, but feel heightened awareness about the many contributions and rich cultures of both places and feel so grateful that I could be a visitor. Now Marge and I will sift through our Madison Quaker experiences and make a report-which I'll post later. For now, time to get the garden in.

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