Friday, March 20, 2009

Perfect Goodby

Marge took me to lunch the day she left. We went to the second floor of Dinh Lang,the traditional restaurant that overlooks Hoan Kiem Lake. She ordered delicate and delicious dishes from Hue region and we were treated to live traditional Vietnamese music because a large party of officials was holding a banquet in the other room. What a treat. Sweetly, the Paul Simon song, "Are you going to Scarsdale Fair?" was on the set list along with very traditional and ancient tunes. Our window side table looked out over the beautiful lake and a small Heron flew across the view. It felt like a Vietnamese poem-also a poem for Marge who loves the myth of the turtle coming from the bottom of the lake and taking back the sword from the King and demanding peace. We were both weary from the time in Tinh Khe which was emotional towards the end, but appreciated each other's gifts and very glad we did the journey. Now we will have to think over our experience there and decide what kind of recommendations we can offer for Madison Quakers. On the way home we met up with a Veterans for Peace fellow and he & Marge went for coffee to mull over other ideas. I went home (hotel) to pack for Cambodia. Cambodia epilogue follows...

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