Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Education in Vietnam

Visiting the ancient university of Van Mieu we are reminded of the respect and value given to education in Viet Nam. This earliest place of higher learning was founded by the Confusian school during the period that China ruled VietNam. Scholars who passed the rigorous exams had their names engraved on the stone stiles which rest on the backs of stone turtles. Families bring their children here on a Sunday afternoon and direct them to rub the turtles head for luck in studies. During the war these stone tablets, weighing tons, were removed to a safe place where they would not be bombed. These days, education is compulsory for children up to grade 10, but there are so many children that they can only go half day. The schools run two half-day sessions. After 10th grade, children take competative exams and only a fraction of children can go on to higher learning, others to trade schools. Once you are out of the "pipeline," it's hard to get back in. Still the ministry of Education is always trying to improve and reform schools to build a better education workfoce. Some times it seems that everyone in Hanoi (adults) is either teachgin English or taking English classes.

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