Saturday, February 14, 2009

Taffic! unbelievable. Scooters by the thousands, bikes by the hundred, women carrying poles laden with everything-fruit, nuts and eels...Like a swirling river. To cross the street, Marge and I hold hands and just venture out. No real traffic regs. Like Moses parting waters traffic flows around us and we calmly move forward...

1 comment:

  1. I remember Hanoi and the traffic. Learned quickly to keep moving as a pedestrian. Pausing or hesitating confuses the drivers of bikes, motorbikes, etc. It is much safer to go non-stop right through it all! I loved the Old City and the various museums connected to the war, etc. I wasn't traveling with anyone with knowledge and experience of it all as you are, but my trip of self-discovery as one who came of age during the American War was very similar to yours. I look forward to reading more.
